

Co-Active Coaching | Intuitive Coaching | Mindfulness
Den Haag
4 jaar ervaring

Over mij

I was born the youngest of three in a tiny village in the mountains of Lebanon. I grew up the first eleven years in that village where I was the youngest in the whole village! My parents moved several times during these eleven years back and forth to this village depending on their financial status, similarly, I also had to shift schools. During these years, I was always the outsider in my schools where naturally, I was heavily bullied for several years to come. At the age of eleven, my parents decided to move to the big city – Beirut – and I had to move to a new school. The patterns kept repeating themselves over the years and whichever school I went to – I was less concerned about the bullying itself and more concerned about the shame and extreme levels of self criticism of sharing that I am being bullied with my parents and siblings. As all of this was happening, I got introduced to meditation at the age of 16 in the philosophy class where the teacher skims through a chapter about Buddhism. As soon as I went back home, I started searching the internet to learn more. In short, small village boy till the age of eleven, then Beirut till age of twenty-five, then Dubai – UAE till age of twenty-seven before settling in the Netherlands and pursuing my Masters degree and the University of Amsterdam. Over the past ten years I have deepened my knowledge (through studying and practicing) in personal development, coaching and Buddhist psychology. Buddhist psychology has studies the human mind for few thousands of years so far where in some instances, the modern psychology is just tapping into some of the fields of study. In the past years, I have visited a number of Buddhist monasteries around Europe, in Switzerland, France and Germany. I have learned and deepened my practice in mindfulness practices especially at Plum Village and at the European Institute of Applied Buddhism (EIAB). I hope that with my background, experience and knowledge, I can bring value to you once you have decided to get in touch.



I provide both face to face (in my mentioned address) and online coaching.



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